Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Word of the Week... BearFight.

Definition 1: When Pandas, Polars or the likes get in disagreements. The result is typically awesome. Called such, because it is actually two (or more) bears fighting. Recommended for all.

Defintion 2: An Irish Car Bomb followed immediately with a Jager Bomb. The result is typically light-headedness, nausea, drunkenness, you may vomit on/shit yourself, pride for taking down a bear, and regretfullness/you probably will wake up on a bathroom floor feeling like you puked all night (oh yeah, and forgetfulness). Called such because upon taking the final shot, within your stomach are two unhappy campers and trust me they will fight it out... Also called such because you may wake up in the morning feeling as though you wrestled a Grizzly. Recommended for Barstool.

Definition 3: An unwinnable argument usually about something that does not matter at all. The result is usually calling your foe 'an idiot' and/or leaving upset. Typically, these Bear fights (definition 3) happen between 12 midnight and 4A.M. and are the results of too many bear fights (definition 2). It would not surprise me if there have been Bear fights about bear fights (definition 1), either. Called such because... you know why. Recommended for no one.

Jonathan, I hope you know I am just messing with you.


Charlie Dodson said...

Shane, that is messed up!

Barstool69 said...


Sir William Wallace said...

The favor will be returned shortly

Sir William Wallace said...

It makes me feel all warm in fuzzy inside to know that you look at my facebook though

Shane said...

This was just too good to pass up.

Barstool69 said...

shane why'd you censor your comment?

anyone else get a password email?

Sir William Wallace said...

Usage of pictures and names is pushing it murray haha

Shane said...

I used your screen name. It may or may not be your real name. I thought it was discussed that pictures since they are (obviously) nongoogable (?), they are OK.

Stool, is it censoring if you remove your own comment? If so, there is an argument to be made that it is censoring if you don't constantly write down what you are thinking. And, yes. I did get a password email. I ignored it, not sure what that's about.

Charlie Dodson said...

I got that E-mail, too. What are you up to now, Barstool?

Barstool69 said...

not sure your argument hold water. there's a difference in what you think and what you actually compose.

no clue what this email is about. did someone try and hack our blog?

Pl0we said...

Bear likes crown. Hey shane

Weazle said...

"i hope you know i am messing with you"- man, this blog is soft.

Shane said...

Stool, nice straw man. Of course "there's a difference in what you think and what you actually compose." My point is it's thin line. What if you write something down then put a line through it? What if you completely scratch it out? What if you use white out, then it doesnt even look like there was anything there? Is that censorship?

Plowe, Hi.

Weazle, thats not what your mom said last night. Yes! This blog got hard on your mom last night!

Sir William Wallace said...

2 beefs with your explanation of a "bearfight" definition 3. Leaving upset is not included and the time is usually between 12pm and 6pm

Barstool69 said...

I guess you can't lose an argument if you keep deleting the other person's least that's how Mao does it.

Pl0we said...

Murda v.Bear

PMac said...

Yea did everyone get that email? What's that about? Are we so popular that we are getting hacked?

Shane said...

This Mao seems like an interesting fellow.

Barstool69 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pl0we said...

I bet Mao is a tech fan.

Kathryn said...

hahahaha shane, thank you for this post. Spot on analysis of all bearfight definitions.

Sir William Wallace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sir William Wallace said...

Congratulations Shane,a female likes you. Unfortunately its that one

anymouse said...

Bear's not pulling any punches. I like the attitude.

Weazle said...

Shane, were you just messing with me? I coulnd't tell because you didn't explain it.