Sunday, March 21, 2010

What's Good For Some Is Good For All...

Healthcare Insurance Bill all but passed

It's funny in that video the first thing the guy talked about was Social Security and Medicare. You'd think you wouldn't want to associate this to those. Republicans are just a despicable.

Homework: 'A Road to Serfdom'
Define: Moral Hazard
Define: Adverse Selection

Maybe I am wrong.


anymouse said...

“...Social Security and Medicare. You'd think you wouldn't want to associate this to those.”

Why wouldn't they?

"Define: Moral Hazard
Define: Adverse Selection"

I just looked up both of those terms, and it seems to me that this bill is designed to address both of those problems. Am I missing something?

Charlie Dodson said...

Nice to see you again, Mr. Goldwater.

Shane said...

SS and Medicare are both unsustainable. Meaning, without changes (tax increases) they will run out of money before we die. Probably way sooner.

The bill is designed to address these? I don't see how giving people things without making them give up something addresses moral hazard. But, I also haven't read the bill.

I agree with everyone that health care should be more affordable. There is a trade-off, however.

anymouse said...

When you compare one thing to another, they don't have to be alike in every way for your point to stand. Social Security and Medicare were passed via landmark legislation, and this bill is comparable in that respect.

It sure seems like the individual mandate would help with adverse selection, if adverse selection is what I think it is. I think I misunderstood “moral hazard” when I read the definition. My mistake. If I'm reading it correctly now, though, I don't see how it's significant with this particular bill.

And how is the fact that the bill is expected to reduce the deficit in the long-term through fees, Medicare changes, etc. not a trade-off?

PMac said...

"But, I also haven't read the bill."

And neither have those prostitutes on Capitol Hill.

Barstool69 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shane said...

Passing a bill that gives out cupcakes every Tuesday would be landmark legislation as well. Is it a good idea? NO. I understand comparisons don't have to be right on. My point was 'you wouldn't think D.C. would want to compare this bill to one that included large entitlement funds that are bankrupting the government.' That's all.

You are rewarding behavior that is not favorable when you give people things for free. There are certainly people that CANNOT afford health care insurance. There are also people that CAN afford it and now will not have to BUY it. This distorts prices even further, which isn't a good thing.

And finally, if you really think the United States government (or any government) takeover of an industry is really going to make that industry more efficient, then you need to look back at history. Private sector does EVERYTHING more efficient. I will make a bet with you that the this bill will not only not reduce the deficit but that it will instead increase it. Want to take that bet?

Denny said...

so there won't be any cupcakes tomorrow?

anymouse said...

Here's the disconnect: The government is not taking over the health care industry.

Barstool69 said...

hah nice Denny

Shane said...

It's just making it better, right? One day maybe the healthcare industry can be as efficient as the Postal Service, public schools, the DMV, the IRS...

Charlie Dodson said...

Hey Demott, easy with the CAPS!

Shane said...

Sorry DB, I didnt know how else to stress words. Demont would have thrown a 'DIE' in there somewhere though.

anymouse said...

He also wouldn't have passed up an opportunity to discuss the most efficient way to use a toaster.