Friday, October 30, 2009

Let the Good Times Roll...

Might as well keep this party rockin' till the wee morning hours just like Bell and myself have done oh so many times before.

Teamwork is the key to success in the JROTC program.

I thought about reflecting back on some of the greatest Bell-Schwarz moments of all time. The problem with that is 1) there's just too damn many and 2) Don would probably have a better recollection of the events than myself. Seeing as how Murray, JH4, and Weazle have already done a damn fine job telling the world about what makes DB awesome, I'll keep it short and sweet:

Have a great birthday and don't do anything I wouldn't do! 1338 Gables Dr. will celebrate in your honor this weekend.

The General and I salute you on this glorious occasion and here's to many happy returns...

I'll leave you with a grand tune that's sure to conjure up good times and great memories:

P.S. Monsieur Webber sends his best and hopes to see you around Tybee some time, maybe at the Legion.

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