Sunday, December 13, 2009

Relationships of the Decade

10: Rick Schwarz and Emily Barbee
Where do I begin? They went ice skating together. They frolicked on the trampoline. He was really tired one night, but he still managed to make it to a viewing of Paycheck. Things flamed out once Swarz had to get back to business in Athens. Still, they were together for the infamous New Year's party at my house where sofas were broken, I threw up, and vacuum cleaners ate shorts.

9: Bishop Boland and Ms. Dolan
Star-crossed lovers, these two have caused more of an uproar in our area than any other couple of the last decade.

8: Erica "Meyer" Adams and the Benedictine graduating classes of 2002-2005
Kappa Delta. Red jeep. Margarita pitchers. My sweet green anorak.

7: Shane and Joelle Gzniayktx
One Memorial Day Shane drank about a dozen warm beers on the beach. The tanned bimbo ended up being the little spoon at the Love Palace. Unfortunately, she's never been back.

6: Rick Schwarz and the Bama Beauties
These ladies rolled into Savannah with Alabama's own Robert Fender last St. Patrick's Day. They met Schwarz through mutual friends, and he showed them the time of their lives. While they were unable to keep up with his rock n'roll lifestyle, this is a relationship that is far from over.

5: Schiv and Katie Crider
"True love is the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another." This quote from the movie Wedding Crashers sums it up. Watching these two together makes even the toughest guy smile. Currently, she's in New York finding herself while Bryan remains in Athens studying law and group behavior at Bourbon Street. This relationship is likely to be on the list next decade as well.

4: Joey Sims and Brooke Blanton
I am not sure how they met or who introduced them to each other, but I am so happy for them!

3: Katy Sauers and Rand Boyd
RAND!!!!! Apparently, this match made in heaven provided a lot of entertainment, but I only got to see them go at it a time or two. Ask JJH4 for the details on these two, and ask Rick for an impression. JJ.

2: Donnie Bell and Molly Holmes
So we've hit a rough patch. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. She will grow her hair back, and we will work things out.

1: Us and Bourbon Street
It's always there for us. And it is awesome.

Honorable Mention: Clowe and Plowe, Andrew and the SVA graduating class of 2005, Connolly and Savannah Cougars, JJ and LSU Lauren, Meg Johnson and myself, Schiv and Leigh, Peg Holland and Jonathan Williams, Kacey and Brandon/Sam, People and Tim Tebow, Kris Durham and Courtney Kupets, O'Hayer and Annie's friend, Shane and Nolan, and Rick and Tatoo.


Barstool69 said...

JJH4/Donnie & Kiley
Me & Ozzie

Slic Ric said...

Nicely done on so many different levels.

Shane said...

I don't think your giving Connoly enough credit. He doesn't limit himself to Savannah Cougars only.

Charlie Dodson said...

Can Connolly ever be given enough credit though?

sauers6 said...

jack and t purvis didn't make the list??? bummer