Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Close Call...

Today I found out that two other people have been laid off from my department. This makes 5 total throughout the whole company. Both of them had more billable hours (how we get evaluated) than I did last year and both have more years of experience in the retirement plan industry. The only things that sets me apart from them is a) I'm a man b.) I went to B.C. and c.) I pass all of my exams to become a Qualified 401(k) Administrator.

Thank God for those tests....

In other news,

Al Franken becomes the United States 60th Senator after a long fought battle. Does anyone remember Stuart Smalley? Worst character from SNL that I can think of. I would post a clip, but it seems everything has been removed from YouTube.

Carrel, this is Sassy.

Also, as Donnie mentioned earlier, dat a boy Mark Sanford. Turns out this wasn't just a one-time thing. (Hey look a link that works) Of course his political career is over and that's somewhat of a shame but you have to give it to the guy, he knows how to pick'em. I haven't seen any pictures of the Argentinian women yet but I bet she's hot. Oh yeah, and the women he is married to is a filthy rich former investment banker who knew about the affair the whole time. Now that's a girl you marry!!

Hey honey, thanks for the four kids and all the campaign money

Can't wait for Barstool to get back and save us all from the mediocrity of this ever-so-dulling blog. Hopefully it won't be long.


anymouse said...

"save us all from the mediocrity of this ever-so-dulling blog"

Why didn't you say so? A new Top Five is in the works...

Carrel_Fan said...

No Shane, that Stuart Smiley skit was just plain terrible. SNL could learn a thing or two about being sassy from you sir.

Shane said...
