Thursday, March 05, 2009

Happy Birthday Big Dog

On March 5th of 1986, females everywhere received a great gift in the form of Michael Patrick Lowe. I'm 23 years old and I have about ten guys who I consider my best friends. I've had best friends move away, discover different interests, or just become strange. Plowe and I were best friends before we could even walk, and there is no doubt in my mind that we will remain best friends for the rest of my life. He'll be in my wedding, and he'll be my children's godfather. He is one of the most generous, genuinely good people that I know. I don't have any brothers or sisters, but Plowe is like a brother to me. He loves ladies, but he's the kind of guy you can trust around your girlfriend. PLowe loves BC, UGA, GSU, St. Michael's, golf, ladies, Tybee Island, his family, and his friends. His attitude toward all of these is great. If Plowe does not like you, then you are probably a jackass. If you're a jackass, he probably still likes you. We are lucky to have you as a friend Plowe. Here's to you buddy. Happy 23rd Birthday.

Top 5 PLowe Moments:
1: Wearing his dragon costume 7 years in a row
2: Going 16-0 en route to a City Championship in JV Basketball. Tony scored in is own basket and we beat BSS 3 times. Plowe loves to remind people of these things.
3: Going to my cousin, Alex's, 21st birthday party last summer at the American Legion on Tybee Island. Seeing Erin and Alex dance their asses off and enjoy themselves at that party is something I think about when life isn't going so well.
4: A few years ago, when Plowe and I woke up at two separate apartments in the same apartment complex.
5: Getting rid of Liz

Oh yeah. It's Amy Lane's birthday, too. Happy birthday girl! Where yall eating tonight, Goldwater?


PMac said...

Happy Bday big dawg. And you had to mention the BSS thing. Damnit

Slic Ric said...

Congrats Cadet Lowe. I'll will buy you a birthday shot when I start my Tybee reunion tour on Tybee St. Patrick's Day.

JJBA said...

Amy Lane