Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Change Has Come To America

Barack Hussein Obama: A true American
The new President of the United States

What a crock of shit. I've stayed quiet on politics since I played dictator and endorsed Fred Thompson over a year ago, but I had to say something today. Am I disappointed in yesterday's election? Yes, but I honestly don't like either one of the two, so it was a lose lose situation. I think America has hit a low point in its history and I'm not sure what it will take to get it back on the right track. I'm worried about alot of things, particularly our military. The U.S. military overwhelmingly favored John McCain in this election. What will happen is anyone's guess at this point. Honestly, I'm glad this damn thing is over. I don't know if I could have watched another Saxby Chambliss or Jim Martin commercial while trying to watch a football game.


Barstool69 said...

We'll it looks like it will be a runoff so you're going to have to deal with those commercial a little while longer.

anymouse said...

This is a great day for America, guys (No sarcasm)