Wednesday, September 02, 2009

...And You Thought That "I'm Georgia" Thing Was Bad

Apparently Oklahoma State is going to debut a new pre-game song and video on Saturday, and it's safe to say the fans aren't too happy about it.

This is like Georgia playing that travesty of a Corey Smith song (I refuse to even link to it) before the South Carolina game. Except that this Oklahoma State song is infinitely better, while terrible in its own way.

Money quote:

"He tells me, ‘I just wanted to let you know that my wife is pregnant and I will not let her hear this song because I’m worried that it will kill my unborn child,’” said Martin, who might be one of the nicest guys you’d ever meet. "Somebody actually wrote that. I couldn’t even make that up.”
Listen to "Cowboys Forever" here.

"It's in our veins

The feel of the reins

.45's, chaps, bandannas and spurs

We are cowboys forever"

1 comment:

Slic Ric said...

They should just play "Should Have Been a Cowboy" and be done with it. They would save themselves a lot of embarassment. I've been reading the message boards and to say Poke fans are pissed about this is an understatement.