Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekend Recap

1: St. Patrick's Day is rapidly approaching. Instead of Vegas or New Orleans for Spring Break 2K10, I think I'll have a big time at the parade and settle for a few nights on the gambling boat.

2: Congrats to BC and Georgia on their big wins this weekend. Trav and Jibri are top 5.

3: Cafe Loco and Hucapoos have made it into my top 5 bars (along with Bourbon Street, GB's, and Churchill's).

4: Williams turns 22 tomorrow. Should be interesting.

5: PLowe is back in the game. Text him for details.



Weazle said...

Cafe Loco is on my top five "bars I hate" list

Pl0we said...

i wish the bama beauties blog was still available to read.

Lots of bdays coming up this week: JJH4, Cadet Williams, Evans, and Cadet Capocasule

Slic Ric said...

I saw a guy in the weight room the other day that looked like a roided up Eugene. I wanted to say something to him but I didn't want to get karate chopped.

Snuffy said...

Donnie, it's Jibri, not Jabri. I suggest you make a correction.

Charlie Dodson said...

Thanks, Snuffy!