Saturday, November 10, 2012

How The Mighty Have Fallen

Has any hero fallen further than CBVG. From "greatest Georgia DC since Erk," to South Carolina for 3 days (he knew better), to "beautiful" Eagle Creek (trying to follow Erk's footsteps), to lone bright spot on the Atlanta Falcons (his defense scored more points than Matty Ice in last year's playoff loss to Giants), to playing Starsky and Hutch with this asshat.

Oh yea, and he's got to put up with this idiot again. Talk about a never-ending circle of hell.

Sure he's the enemy today, but CBVG will always be a DGD to me. Sometimes I wonder what could've been had CMR not ran him off.


Pl0we said...

I heard that the reason why Van Gorder left is because he wanted to fire Rodney and Richt would not allow it.

I also heard that he left because he gave too many Alpha Delta Pies mustache rides. That is why his name is the tickler

Slic Ric said...
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amanda young said...

Absolutely right in that point.. amanda vanderpool fashion