Georgia plays its first football game of next season Tuesday, and we are going to be there. I am pretty pumped. Hopefully, our room will have two beds, or I will have to drink even more than I was planning on drinking.

Now for business. It would be great if Shane, Carrel_Fan, anymouse, and JJH4 could show up at Jack's house at 7 AM on Sunday with $125.00 for me. Originally, I thought checks would be easier, but seeing as how I probably won't be visiting a bank in New Orleans, cash would help me out a lot.

With that out out the way I must again say that I am pumped. Sunday we get to gamble at Harrah's and eat at their buffet. Monday is New Year's Eve, and we get to do Happy Hour on Bourbon Street and bring in 2008 with Hurricanes and Hand Grenades. Then on Tuesday we get to sleep late and watch football until whenever we decide to take a cab over to the Super Dome and tailgate for the football game. UGA will win 38-21 and Durham will score. The next day we get to head to a city a Florida not named Destin to celebrate the win. I am quite certain this will be the greatest trip of my life.

Here's my guess at a top 5 trip moments:
1: Murray maxes out his credit card at Harrah's
2: Bell wins 3200 at Harrah's
3: We run into Chris Pearce on Bourbon Street and Larry dies because he has nothing left to live for
4: Joey meets a voodoo woman with a Midwest feel?
5: When everyone stares at their phones to watch the time on their phone change
3 questions for the planning committee.
1. are you telling me that post dated checks are no good?
2. do hawaiians speak voodoo?
3. has shane applied for a new Capital One card yet?
1: post dated checks are fine for real
2: they speak American
3: no but Sarah Robert's new boy has
cold hearted
Durham got hurt at practice today according to Ching.
All I said was that Georgia would win and Durham would score. He doesn't have to play to score you know. I anticipate buying the Next Best Thing Logan Grey a few hurricanes on Bourbon Street after the win while me and Big D throw back some hand grenades.
Good point D. Durham hurt his arm but apparently came back to practice. If he doesn't score in the game, Courtney Kupets will still be waiting for him afterwards.
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